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Monday, September 30, 2013

Fast Weight Loss Secret - How to Lose Stomach Fat Fast

Here's a fast weight loss secret about 2 innovative at-home exercises that help you to lose stomach fat fast... literally, WITHIN DAYS! I lost 2 inches from my waist in 2 weeks doing this myself. My clients have had similar results.

Fast Weight Loss Secret

1. Twice a day for 2-3 minutes each time, do the "HOT HAND" belly rub

Here's what you do... rub both your hands together for say 10 or so seconds to generate heat on them. Next, take a hand and rub small circles on your belly, around your belly button. Do this for 30 seconds at a time.

Next, rest a few seconds then rub your hands together again and repeat the process for a total of 2-3 minutes... twice a day.

The heat transfers from your hand and right through your skin and directly into your fat cells within your belly fat. To put it in simple terms, the heat kinda SHOCKS some of the fat cells into SELF-DESTRUCTING. Other fat cells loosen up and get swept away and excreted.

End result... you lose inches and pounds.

2. For 5 minutes a day, do the vacuum pose

You may confuse this with "sucking in your belly"... because you actually are sucking in your belly. But the key difference is that with the vacuum pose you need to suck in your LOWER belly.

So do that. Hold for 25-40 seconds, rest, repeat. 5 minutes a day is all you need to do with this. It's not good for weight loss, but it's THE BEST EXERCISE to lose inches off your waist fast.

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Sunday, September 29, 2013

Easy Weight Loss Tips For Getting Your Head in the Game

If you have tried to lose weight in the past then you most likely appreciate that weight loss is not just about finding the right diet or exercise plan; in order to succeed you must get your thinking right and create a mindset for losing weight. This article shares some easy weight loss tips that are tied to limiting thoughts to illustrate to you just how easy it can be to get your head in the game.

1. "I hope this diet works." I have heard this uttered more times than I wish. If you want to get your head in the game then stop blaming your diet for not working and take 100% responsibility for your weight loss. My tip for you is to get started on your diet then tweak it constantly to get better results.

2. "I was just meant to be overweight." Throw this thought out the window. If you were born into a family that tends to be overweight or you have had dieting failures in the past these are not good reasons to believe you have to give up on being healthy and fit. Tip: Set a realistic goal and get moving toward it.

3. "I cannot motivate myself to exercise." It is hard to sometimes get exercise started and even people who exercise regularly have days when they have to talk themselves into moving. Tip: Just commit to getting into your workout clothing. You will be amazed at how this changes your thinking because you took this one step closer.

Your thoughts will make weight loss easier or harder, in order to succeed you want to get your eating, exercising AND thinking all working toward your goal. Use these easy weight loss tips to help you keep your head in the game.

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How to Accomplish Extreme Fast Weight Loss With These 3 Fast Natural Weight Loss Tips

Extreme fast weight loss can be accomplished by changing your diet. The process for this type of weight loss is totally different than conservative weight loss approach. Read on to find out more.

Below are 3 fast natural weight loss tips which are needed to accomplish extreme fast weight loss:

1. Consume fiber more than any other food daily. When you practice this daily, you will decrease your daily calorie intake significantly. This is due to the fact that fiber fills you up a lot faster compared to most foods.

Some of fiber rich foods include pears, blue berries, raspberries, apples, any food which is whole wheat, brown rice and oats.

Foods which have the most fiber include nuts, legumes and seeds. Lentils, cooked peas, baked beans, black beans and almonds also have most fiber.

Eating more fiber laden vegetables and fruits is also very good for your digestion. Doing so is good because you do not want to keep too much weight as well as a good metabolism shall maintain that slim physique.

2. Cut down your sugar. Many studies have shown that eating sweets will in fact increase your craving for food. If you feel like eating sweets, you can simply have fresh fruits or vegetables to substitute your desire for sweets.

If you buy yogurt, don't buy flavored yogurt, instead buy natural yogurt. You can blend the yogurt with some fruit. This will give the natural yogurt better taste and it is also very much healthier.

You should also avoid drinking sodas or soft drinks. They contain too much sugar. Just drink water and ensure that you have more than enough water daily.

3. Decrease your every day fat intake. It is vital to set your every day fat intake goal to 25 percent or fewer, of your every day calories in fats. Take note also that these kind of fats must be non-saturated fat.

One last tips for extreme fast weight loss is to stop eating after 7 pm. After your last meal of the day, try brushing your teeth to put off your desire for eating again.

For More Related Topics Blog: Dotties Weightloss Zone

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Fat Loss Factors - Return to the Basics For Optimal Weight Loss

Those who persist in the same cardio routines without seeing any results have forgotten basic factors of fat loss. Rather than continuing that kind of insanity, it's time to remember some basics of weight loss and fitness. That's what I've told my own clients to do. You see, even after spending an hour and a half every day almost every day of the week, some people just don't move any farther on in their weight loss plan.

This kind of situation might sound familiar to you because you've been there and done that. The primary element in this type of person is that they have forgotten that the fitness industry often lies.

People who want to sell exercise machines want you to buy them, so they promote cardio even though they won't do much at all in helping you lose fat. In fact, most of the work you need to do to get the fat off your body can be done at home, and you don't need much in the way of equipment.

Remember that a good sequence of exercises that use only your body's mass will do more for you than any cardiovascular activity.

When you make your choices, get 3 or 4 drills that work your bottom half and then an equal number for your top half. As you perform your circuit, do an upper and then a lower, in alternating fashion. Intensity is important as you do these exercises, so don't rest for more than a minute or so and only do it at the end of the entire sequence.

Another fitness factor that people forget is that you need to have an active lifestyle. The time that's freed up from not doing all that cardio can be used to do outdoor activities like hiking and cycling. When listing elements of fat loss that are forgotten, you must include the fact that exercise should be fun.

You see, just like cardio workouts turn into a horrible routine, any fat loss effort can become mundane and joyless. Don't ever let the fact that exercise is fun escape your mind. You can enjoy the choices you make to exercise and anticipate the great body you will have.

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Friday, September 27, 2013

7 Strange But Real Weight Loss Facts That Can Affect Your Health

Faced with the challenge of having to lose some weight, people will immediately think in the lines of "I must avoid chocolates at all cost" and "I must spend many hours in the gym to burn those extra calories."

But, are these beliefs correct? Will they help you lose weight?

Will you believe me when I tell you that sweet delights are actually good for you?

Will you believe me when I tell you that working out can actually be bad for your health?

When it comes to losing weight, there are many myths that have evolved, and most of them have taken the semblance of fact. But they're not. These myths can actually kill you if left unchecked.

Here is a list of 7 very strange but very real facts that have significant effects on your health.

1. Eliminating sugar from your system is bad. Chocolate treats from time to time is actually a healthy option. Our body is programmed to rely on sugar for energy. Completely disposing of sugar will go against how your body is programmed to operate. Consider this: even diabetics acquire their restricted amount of sugar from somewhere. Why should you completely deprive yourself of such?

2. More than 90 minutes of intensive workouts is known to reduce the efficiency of your immune system. This will allow harmful agents to penetrate and destroy your body. Aside from this, over-exercising can lead to decreased stamina as well as cause a variety of physical injuries like muscle tears and joint issues. Even world-class athletes make it a point to get a much-needed break during training. Don't allow your desire to lose weight get the better of you. Everything should be done in moderation

Let Me Help You Stop Being Overweight and Feeling Down, I Have the Solution to Your Weight Loss Here

Sometimes being overweight and feeling down feels a bit like being on a rollercoaster. One minute you're up and the world is a wonderful place, the next you're plummeting down. Those ups can feel like a long haul, yet the downs seem to happen with startling speed.

You're filled with happiness one week, despondency the next. The experience is deeply emotional. In fact, if you've had the feeling of being in love, you'll recognise that the similarity is amazing. Maybe it's because when you're on a high, you are in love with yourself. It's the most delicious feeling. You become beautiful from the most vital perspective of all-from inside.

But we know that when it comes to losing weight, it can be hard to hang onto that 'in love' feeling. If losing weight is something in the past you've found difficult then its little wonder that you have no confidence. We could describe this feeling as being out of love with yourself.

It's a painful place to be in this psychological state your emotions are all over the place and you can easily slip on to a downward spiral very easily

Stay on the Rails

I want to help you hold on to that special feeling and the surest way of all to do so and I know this from experience is to stick to your diet plan. You really have to do this and with the encouragement you get it will work just let it work its magic and lose weight but I also know all too well the danger zones that can send your emotions careering downhill.

Working out what they are is the first step towards avoiding them one of the most common danger zones is stepping on to the scales just one week they register no loss or worse still they show a gain in your weight it can send you plummeting feelings of confusion despair and frustration sweep through you the world isn't a wonderful place again.

But be assured the problems to your weight loss there is a solution they are there inside you just believe in yourself and it will all happen for you and stick to your game plan never let go of the being in love with yourself and you will meet you goals and succeed.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

How to Lose Weight Fast - 10 Quick Weight Loss Tips to Help You Look Sexy by the Summer! No Lie!

And wondering how to lose weight fast? If so, you've come to the right place!

Here I have put together 10 quick weight loss tips that will help you lose weight fast and keep it off.

1. Build more muscle. This will boost your metabolism and make you burn more calories 247.

2. Drink more water. This can help you feel more full and will slightly boost your metabolism.

3. Get more sleep. If you do not get at least 8 hours a night, then your body will not lose weight very fast.

4. Stop running. Traditional running gets very boring and is not burn as many calories in the long run as doing sprints.

5. Find a workout buddy. This will help you stay accountable and make things more fun.

6. Eat more vegetables. Vegetables and are low in calories but have lots of fiber and nutrients. These are some of the best fat burning foods out there!

7. Eat lean meats. Lean meats have a lot of protein, which will help you build more muscle. They also have a little bit of fat which will help you burn fat faster.

8. Stay away from junk foods! Soul will make you retain water weight, and sugar will cause energy spikes in crashes.

9. Write down your goals. Telling others how to lose weight fast and how you're doing it will keep you

Daily Weight Loss Video Tips

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Eating Out and Weight Loss Are Compatible

Although some people believe that eating out is contraindicative for weight loss, this does not necessarily have to be true. It is quite possible to eat out and still stick to your weight loss plan. It is all just a matter of taking he middle road and eating sensibly.

For instance, when you are eating in a restaurant, you can easily choose the smallest portion. Eating past the point of hunger is not the way to go about things. If a ladies steak is available, choose that with a salad and not the man sized steak with a rich sauce and fries on the side.

Consuming more calories than our bodies require is one of the biggest contributors to weight gain. However if you are still hungry once you have consumed what you ordered, you are always able to order another small dish. This offers you the opportunity to taste a greater variety of dishes and make the eating out process more enjoyable.

Make yourself the designated driver and in this way you get to steer clear of alcohol which is very fattening and just adds to your calorific intake. Drinking alcohol can let your guard down and may tend to make you over eat. Also, if you drink a glass of water about 10 to 15 minutes before you eat, you will feel fuller, as it partially fills your stomach. Sometimes hunger is actually dehydration which is a trick that our body plays on us to get us to drink, so the water will also do you good.

Most restaurants know that people are concerned about watching their weight these days, they have lighter options available on the menu, and you should never be afraid to ask for what you want. If you want your steak grilled with no barbeque sauce, ask for it. If you want steamed vegetables instead of salad, ask for it. If the restaurant is worth its salt and wants to get your business again, they will make the additional effort, not to give you a huge portion of generic menu food.Be sure to check with your doctor before changing your level of exercise or diet.

Next: Click the links below to learn how you can lose weight and keep it off!

Exercises For Fast Weight Loss - Tips For Rapid Slimming

Exercises for fast weight loss can help you to make super quick losses. This in turn helps motivate you to lose even more weight, especially in those early stages. Find out some good exercises, in this article.


If you didn't know already, cardio is the best way to lose fat. You can try working weights but they will not burn much fat at all. Instead, you want to do cardio - cardio is when you maintain a long pace, usually with the legs (the biggest muscles in the body) and it make you get slightly out of breath and difficult to talk.

Your heart rate rises and the fat in your body starts to burn. Not just that, but even when you are finished exercising, your metabolism is raised for a few hours and your body burns fat at a much higher pace than it did before, even when resting.


HIIT stands for High Impact Interval Training. You can think of it as like a super cardio because it burns much more fat.

With regular cardio, the pace does not change and you need to exercise for at least 30 minutes. With HIIT, the pace is constantly changing and you only need to exercise for maybe 15 minutes a day.

The reason is that with regular cardio, your body adapts to the new situation and tries to minimise fat loss. This would have been helpful hundreds of years ago when food was scarce. In HIIT, you keep changing the pace and keeping the body guessing and burn more fat.

To do it, jog for 30 seconds then sprint as fast as you possibly can for another 30 seconds. Then return to jogging and keep repeating this 30/30 cycle. By the end of it, you will feel really tired. You may just want to do 5 minutes worth if you are just starting out.

But you will burn more fat this way than any other method.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Immediate Weight Loss (For Real)

Everyone wants to immediate weight loss with the least amount of effort possible. It seems that it is just human nature to get more done for less. This can lead us into a lot of problems especially when it comes to weight loss. Usually the fastest ways to lose weight are the least healthy.

Here are a couple tips to lose weight immediately AND in a healthy manner.

Immediate Weight Loss

1. Beat the Hunger.

Most of us overeat. It is as simple as that. There are tons of issues that may cause us to overeat such as stress, to something as simple as just being really hungry.

It does not matter WHY you are overeating, just that you need to STOP!

The worst thing you can do is simply try and resist the urge to eat until you are fully satisfied. Depriving yourself is not the answer for quick weight loss.

You need to buffer your meals by having an apple or salad right before your meal. Soup is another great buffer. What this does is fill you up a bit so you don't overeat once you get to the main course. Therefore, you will not consume massive amounts of empty calories.

2. Become an Early Riser.

Waking up early gives your metabolism an extremely strong boost for the day. As you should already know, a faster metabolism is a good thing!

So how early do you need to get up?

I love telling people this in person so I can see the expression on their face...

The best time to wake up in the morning is 5AM. I am not going to lie, it sucks for the first couple of days. I was not a pleasant person to deal with when I first started to wake up this early!

The good news is that you get used to it, and your metabolism (and energy levels) will benefit greatly.

If you implement these techniques, you will notice some very fast results. Now, you actually need to APPLY them!

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