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Thursday, October 10, 2013

Fast Weight Loss Best For The More Overweight

Fast weight loss is typically not recommended for anyone only looking to lose 2-25 pounds. However, for those who are very overweight to begin with, there are a few fast weight loss methods that can be sustained short term.

One of the more common fast weight loss methods is the very low calorie diet (VLCD). Depending on your caloric intake to begin with, it is typically cut to around 800 calories and should be monitored by a doctor. Because the calories are being reduced so much, a doctor needs to monitor the diet so that the proper nutrients are still being consumed in order to maintain health.

Some side effects of a lower calorie diet are not to be desired. Fatigue, irritability and constipation are some side effects, to name a few. You may also suffer a lowered metabolism from such a shock in diet change or a reduced muscle mass.

A severe reduction in carbohydrates in your diet will also result in fast weight loss. However, most of this weight is typically water or other fluid weight loss. Once carbohydrates are introduced back into the diet, the weight loss will slow or stop altogether.

If you do not want to be so extreme in reducing your calories, there is always portion control. The only problem here is that you have to be strong enough to say no when your mind is pleading for more. However, if you think you can handle it, reducing your portions from the size you normally would eat will most likely have a quick effect on your weight.

Another great idea for fast weight loss is to cut all unhealthy foods you might normally give in to in a given week. This includes all fast foods, fried foods and sweets. Time to raid your food pantry and clean out all those high calorie, high fat goodies. You will soon begin to feel better about yourself and start to make those smart decisions about what you put into your body without even realizing it.

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