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Friday, October 4, 2013

Is Your Weight Loss Slowing Down? Give Your Plan a Jump Start

Are you noticing your weight loss slowing down? Have you been losing weight but for the past few weeks it seems harder and harder to get the scale to move down? Then what you need is to give your diet and exercise routine a jump start. Your body is very good at adapting to your routine so you will speed things up by mixing it up a bit, if you have been experiencing less then satisfactory results then I encourage you to take a couple of minutes right now to read on.

Weight Loss Slowing Down

1. Jump start your diet by shifting your carbohydrates. Carbs are valuable to your body because they are an easy source of energy yet when your body is feed carbs all day long it can neglect other sources of energy just sitting on your body, i.e. BODY FAT.

By eating all of your carbohydrates for the day by lunch and then keeping them out of your afternoon and evening meals you force your body to burn body fat for energy later in the day and boost your fat and weight loss.

2. Jump start your exercise. If you have been exercising but notice your results hitting a plateau then you need to boost your metabolism by varying the pace and exertion level of your exercise routine. Add short burst of maximum effort every few minutes to your aerobic exercise session and you will increase your fat burning for the entire day.

3. Jump start your desire. Think of this as a bonus tip but one that should not be overlooked. If your weight loss is happening slower this can become mentally challenging and for this reason it is crucial that you build your desire to lose weight even stronger. Sit down and write a list of 15 reasons losing this weight is important to you and you will feel a new sense of motivation and inspiration to reach your goal.

Is your weight loss slowing down? Don't lose hope. You can give your plan a jump start and by the end of the week you will notice a significant change.

For More Related Topics Blog: Workout Plans Weight Loss

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