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Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Health Insurance After Weight Loss Surgery - Is it Possible?

Gastric bypass surgery and insurance AFTER the surgery is a question that a friend of mine had to have answered and the answer was one that was not a good one. He had gastric bypass surgery on his spouse's insurance and since then he has had a divorce. Since he is a private contractor he needed to go out and get some personal health insurance. He tried at many different places and he was turned down each and every time. This denial of health insurance was not something anyone ever mentioned and now he has a problem with no solution.

As of now he is ready to give up and accept the fact that as an individual he will not be able to be eligible for individual health insurance. He is so much healthier because of the weight loss surgery yet he is finding it impossible to receive individual health insurance.

This may be something worth factoring into your decision to have weight loss surgery. It is one that we have not been able to research on the web because ALL search results only provide information about coverage BEFORE the surgery.

If you are considering weight loss surgery then you need to ask questions about how your eligibility for health insurance will be affected two, three or ten years down the road. How will your eligibility be affected if you change insurers? We hope you ask, before you decide because gastric bypass surgery is irreversible and the decision is for the rest of your forever. All we ask here is that you consider what your health insurance options will be like as you age and the situations in your life chance.

Ask your doctor before you decide so you will not be left uninsured.

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